Saturday, September 4, 2010

with fall approaching...

My dad got a new car at the end of May because I needed transportation for my summer internship. I drove this car all summer, even after I moved from Buffalo back to Albany for the last month of my break from school. I am now in Boston, waiting anxiously for my semester to start and due to logistics surrounding Jon and Ellie’s honeymoon, my car is in Boston for the next week. I was driving around downtown Boston the other day and was shocked to see the mileage creep over the 8000 mark. The car was gently used—thirty-one miles—when we got it and now, after four short months I have driven over eight thousand miles.

August was a whirlwind month. With Agnese visiting from Italy, we traveled to New York City to see In The Heights, we camped on Cape Cod, spent a few days in Boston and set up our life in a hotel in Buffalo for the greater part of a week as we prepared for and celebrated Jon and Ellie’s perfect wedding. It went off without a hitch, as did the rest of the months adventures.

Agnese flew back to Italy on the 23rd of August and I turned around and started preparing for my move back to Boston, with no breaks and no time to reflect on the pure insanity that was this amazing summer.

I am currently sitting in my bedroom at school, in the aftermath of an unpacking war. With everything in it’s rightful place I can finally take a deep breath and appreciate the beginning of a new semester and the prospect of the new characters I will meet. I am so excited for the opportunities I had this summer: unexpected and invigorating. I feel as though I wasted little time, and in return have been rewarded with experiences I can store as professionally and personally useful. I have grown up, if just a tad, and I am so grateful to everything and everyone who was a part of it. Thank you.

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